An Aesthetics Journey

‘What a Difference a Year Makes’

A Patient’s Aesthetics Journey Over the Course of One Year….

In this article we explore a patient’s treatment journey and the beneficial effects of gradually layering dermal filler over multiple appointments and time. We discuss the entire process from initial consultation including the problem areas highlighted by the patient, the chosen treatment plan, delivery of the treatment plan, and the results achieved at one year.

These pictures were taken at the initial consultation. The areas of concern for the patient were the mid to lower face. The desired aims of treatment were to generally reduce the signs of ageing to these particular areas.

As part of the ageing process, the patient had developed the appearance of the following:

  • Nasolabial folds (nose to mouth lines)

  • Marionette lines (mouth to chin lines)

  • Slight volume loss of the mid face

  • Mild downturning of the mouth

  • Loss of definition around the jawline/ formation of jowls

  • Thinning of the lips and age lines around the lips

  • Increased prominence of the chin with overactivity of the chin/ lower face muscles

  • Mild loss of volume in the subzygomatic region (under the lateral creeks)

  • Hollowing and age lines in the tear trough region, under the eyes

Treatment Plan

The areas treated with filler over a twelve month period were cheeks, tear trough, jaw, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, chin and lips. Anti-wrinkle treatment (Botox) was also administered to the lower face to reduce lines around the eyes, dimpling of the chin, lift the corners of the mouth, and improve the appearance of Jowls along the jawline. Initially, filler was administered to the mid face , specifically the cheeks and tear trough. A few weeks later filler was used in the jaw, marionette lines, nasolabial folds and chin. A total of four separate appointments/ treatments were carried out over the course of one year, including two further maintenance treatments at six and twelve months (discussed further below).

Products Used

Dermal Filler - Juvederm Vycross Range.

Anti-wrinkle treatment - Botox.


The ‘after’ pictures taken at one year on show that a much more youthful and fresher look has been achieved, that still appears subtle and natural, as requested by the patient.

What Have We Achieved?

  • Reduced under eye hollowing and improved appearance of fine lines around eyes

  • Restored volume loss to the mid face

  • Reduced appearance of lines between the nose, mouth and chin

  • Mildly increased lip volume with improved definition of the lip lines

  • Less prominence of the chin

  • Improved jawline definition

  • Less downturning of the mouth

  • Overall, more youthful and fresher appearance

Why The Mid Face First?

Starting with treatment in the mid face ​can help when the bone and fat tissue support in the middle of the face disappears with age. Midface fillers can help you look more rejuvenated and soften the angles that age the face. By replacing volume in the midface, you in turn reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds (nose to mouth lines), marionette lines (mouth to chin lines), jowls (sagging areas along the jawline) and can minimise the signs of the tear trough. These lines are often just symptoms of midface loss. Thereore, treating the nasolabial folds, marionettes, tear trough or jowls with filler directly can mean you are only treating a symptom, but not addressing the actual cause of the problem. Improving these areas by treating the midface first also puts less pressure on the lower face, meaning these areas will consequently need less filler. Using this hollistic approach when devising a treatment plan not only prevents overfilling the face unnecessarily, it reduces the risk of adverse effects, undesired results and ultimately saves you money in the long term.

Maintenance Treatments

​Following the initial treatments, a further two maintenance procedures were completed at around six and twelve months. These appointments consisted of top up treatments where minimal amounts of additional filler was used to tweak certain areas, specifically the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. Filler in these areas of the face tend to wear off sooner than others. A small amount of filler was also administered to the lips at the latest appointment, to mildly increase volume and balance the facial profile.

The Layering Approach

This approach of gradually layering filler product, can achieve optimal results. Excessive filler, administered too quickly, can be a lot for the facial skin to take in one go. The filler can then spread and migrate into unwanted areas, leading to obvious, unnatural results and potentially increasing the likelihood of adverse reactions. For this reason, proceeding gradually can be key. Additionally, administering more filler before the previous product has completely worn off, can allow for cost effective, longer lasting results.


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