Steroid Injections
Steroid injections are routinely used as an effective treatment for inflammatory painful soft tissue and joint conditions.
What are they recommended for?
Steroid injections are often recommended for people with conditions such as osteoarthritis, bursitis and tendinitis. The injections are used break the cycle of inflammation in order to aid mobility and function of the joint and surrounding soft tissues.
What can Cortisone (Steroid) Injections be used to treat?
Frozen shoulder
Arthritic Knees
Arthritic thumbs
Wrist pain
Shoulder tendonitis and bursitis
Acromioclavicular AC joint (shoulder) pain
Tennis Elbow
Golfer's elbow
Trigger finger
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis
ITB friction syndrome/iliotibial band bursitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Ankle arthritis
Bunion pain/arthritis
Morton's neuroma
Trochanteric bursitis
Inflamed knee fat pad
What will be injected?
The affected joint or soft tissue will be injected with a small volume of steroid, this should help reduce inflammation locally. Sometimes this will be alongside a local anaesthetic that acts as a painkiller and may provide immediate temporary pain relief. The injection will be given based on anatomical landmarks
How quickly does it take to feel a reduction in symptoms?
Local anaesthetics can reduce your pain within a few minutes of the injection. The steroid affect will take slightly longer to occur, usually 1 – 2 weeks. It is advised that you take a few days of relative rest following the injection.
How long do the affects last?
Steroid injections usually last for up to 3 months, however every patient is different.
What is the process?
An advanced physiotherapist with many years’ experience in joint and soft tissue injections and independent prescribing rights will complete a full assessment to conclude whether an injection is the right treatment for you. You will be advised of the risk factors and be provided the appropriate advice to make an informed decision.
Injections will be given alongside an individually tailored rehabilitation programme to enable the most effective recovery.
Risks and Side Effects of steroid injections
Most people have steroid injections without any side effects. It is normal to experience slight discomfort and pressure during the time of the injection.
Post injection pain within the first 24 hours can occasionally occur. This usually settles by itself within a few days, however taking painkillers such as paracetamol may help. There is a risk of infection at the site of the injection or in the joint. With steroid injections there is a small risk of thinning or colour changes locally in the skin or underlying fatty tissue at the injection site.
It is important not to overuse injections and it is advised by clinicians not to have more than 3 per year in the same area. A minimum of 6 weeks between injections is also recommended
Hyaluronic Acid Injections
These injections used are to decrease pain and stiffness. Also improve mobility for people suffering from osteoarthritis
The solution injected contains sodium hyaluronate. It is injected into the joint space where the synovial fluid is. The fluid acts as a lubricant. Reducing friction and improving supply of oxygen and nutrients to the worn cartilage.
Our clinician is happy to discuss any further questions/concerns you have regarding a steroid or hyaluronate injection before you book an appointment.
Joint Injection £155 (40 minute consultation, treatment session and follow up)
We will honor a 10% discount if more than one injection is booked at the same time.

Book a Consultation
Call Now On 07703 810306 / info@select-aesthetics.com